Diabetes care team videoconference call

Living with diabetes isn’t easy. But you don’t have to manage your health alone. These are the experts who will have your back – every step of the way. 

Primary Care Physician (PCP)
Consider your PCP the quarterback of your diabetes care team. They’ll handle your regular care and make sure you’re up to date on important screenings and vaccines. And they’ll refer you to specialists as needed.


If you’re having trouble managing your diabetes, your PCP may refer you to this diabetes specialist. Along with your PCP, this doctor can help you choose the treatment options that will make day-to-day blood sugar management easier and more effective.

Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)

Every team needs a coach who can put plans into action. CDCES professionals do just that. They can help you put your diabetes to-do list into perspective. Plus, they can teach you important skills, including how to check your blood sugar, take your medication, problem-solve on the go, and create healthy habits.


This pro knows medications. They can answer your questions and concerns, help you understand how to take your prescriptions safely, and let you know what side effects to look out for. Plus, they can give you your yearly flu shot.

Registered Dietitian (R.D.)

Making habit changes, especially around food, can be overwhelming. An R.D. is a nutrition expert who works with you to develop a meal plan that’ll fit your needs, lifestyle, and culture.

Mental health professional

For some, the day-to-day management of living with diabetes can be an emotional burden. If you’re struggling to cope, a therapist can give you the support you need to stick with your goals and live a healthy, fulfilling life.


Having diabetes can put you at risk for gum disease. Your dentist can guide you on the best ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy and catch any issues early, when they’re easier to treat. 

Eye doctor*

Over time, high blood sugar can harm the small blood vessels in your eyes. Your ophthalmologist or optometrist can perform a dilated eye exam that will allow them to catch (and treat) any changes early.


High blood sugar can also harm the nerves in your legs and feet. A podiatrist is a doctor who specializes in foot health. This doctor will do a complete check to help you prevent foot problems. 

Ready to recruit your diabetes care team? Ask your PCP if they can make referrals for you. Use our “Find a doctor” tool to easily search for providers who are in-network in your area.

 Diabetes care team videoconference call

Need an extra hand between provider visits?
Enroll in Care Management. 


Care Management connects you with a team of nurses, health coaches, and other specialists who can help you manage your diabetes in between regular checkups with your doctor. They can answer questions, help you set (and reach) your health goals, connect you with valuable resources, and more. 

Care Management is included in most plans at no additional cost. Call (877) 455-6777, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT, to see if you are eligible.

Your diabetes care road map

Routine screenings can monitor how well your diabetes plan is working and help you catch issues early – before they become serious. Use this checklist to stay on track. 

At least twice a year

Primary care doctor or endocrinologist visit

Blood pressure check (at every doctor’s visit)

A1C test (a blood test that measures your average blood sugar over the past two or three months)

At least once a year

Eye doctor visit and a dilated eye exam

Dental exam and cleaning (maybe twice a year if needed)

Podiatrist visit and complete foot check

Cholesterol and triglyceride tests

Kidney disease screenings (including a glomerular filtration rate blood test and an albumin-to-creatinine ratio urine test)

*Not sure if you have vision or dental coverage? Log into your account or call the customer service line on the back of your Blue Shield member ID card.  You may have vision or dental coverage through another insurance carrier. Or, if you do not have vision or dental coverage, ask about enrollment options.  Without insurance, you may have to pay the total cost of your vision or dental visit.

Language Assistance Notice

For assistance in English at no cost, call the toll-free number on your ID card. You can get this document translated and in other formats, such as large print, braille, and/or audio, also at no cost.

Para obtener ayuda en español sin costo, llame al número de teléfono gratis que aparece en su tarjeta de identificación. También puede obtener gratis este documento en otro idioma y en otros formatos, tales como letra grande, braille y/o audio.

如欲免費獲取中文協助,請撥打您 ID 卡上的免費電話號碼。您也可免費獲得此文件的譯文或其他格式版本,例如:大字版、盲文版和/或音訊版。

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Page Last Updated 04/05/2022
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