Commitment to caring

Meet Sarrah, who’s first job out of college grew into a 15-year career.

What do you do at Blue Shield of California?

I’m a service supervisor working on our member portal, so I’m dedicated to ensuring our members always can access the care they need.

How have you developed here?

Blue Shield was my first job out of college, so I’ve grown quite a bit here!

One way is through our resource groups and trainings. We’re committed to being an inclusive workplace that attracts and embraces a diverse set of people and ideas. Our resource groups are one important way we do this. I am a mentor in our Black Employee Network group, and I help co-workers navigate their careers here. I also recently got involved in Women Lead to Excellence, which promotes women in leadership roles, and plan on becoming more involved in the group to mentor our future female leaders.

I also help outside the company. My amazing manager suggested I get involved with Leadership El Dorado, a monthly meeting of local leaders where we discuss struggles with other leaders in similar roles. I am also a big sister as part of the Blue Shield Beyond School Walls program with the Big Brother Program. This allows me to mentor a child in need and lead them into successful futures.

Being with the company for almost 15 years, the list goes on and on, but the bottom line is Blue Shield has so many great leadership opportunities and trainings. The sky is the limit, and we can all write our own story here.

Employee Sarrah at whiteboard

What's been your best day here?

My best day is pretty much every day, but if I had to choose, I would pick the day that my future mentor told me she had plans for me and wanted me to go into analytics. I had never considered what I wanted to do next or thought of analytics, but she believed in me and coached me. I felt like I had an ally and someone looking out for me. It is my hope to be that person to others; the person who sees something in them and pushes them to be their best every day.

What keeps you here?

Support. I have seen this company come together for our community and co-workers in immeasurable ways. For example, when our dear co-worker passed away, our immediate team raised money to help his wife and children. This company is family, and we step up when needed.

We also have great leadership here. Most employees can't say their executives care and do the right thing. Here we can. Our leaders make decisions for our members with care and compassion. That makes Blue Shield a great place to work.

What are three things you can't live without?

First is family. I wouldn't know what to do without my children. Being a full-time mom to two kids while pursing my career is not always easy, but I would not change our life for anything. There's nothing better than coming home to read a book to my daughter or listen to my pre-teen talk about his day at school. I also talk to my mom daily and see her at least every other day.

Second is country music. When I am stressed out, I love to listen to my main man George Strait!

And third is Blue Shield. I've been asked if I won the lottery, would I quit my job? I would not because the people here are not co-workers; they are my work family.

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© California Physicians’ Service DBA Blue Shield of California 1999-2024. Todos los derechos reservados. California Physicians’ Service DBA Blue Shield of California es un miembro independiente de la Blue Shield Association. Los productos de seguro de salud se ofrecen a través de Blue Shield of California Life & Health Insurance Company. Los planes de salud se ofrecen a través de Blue Shield of California.