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Health coverage for more Californians

Stay well ahead with a Blue Shield plan designed to meet your needs.

Making sense of your EOB

Our flexible plans have you covered.

Access plan information

Get the care you need with Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan.

Pharmacy questions?

Find answers to frequently asked questions about prescription drug benefits.

Book an annual checkup

Prioritize your health by seeing a doctor virtually or in-person.

Find a Doctor

We offer access to a wide range of doctors, specialists, and hospitals to help you find care wherever you live or work. Our PPO, HMO, dental, and vision networks are among the largest in California.

Why Blue Shield?

Affordable plans

Because all Californians deserve top quality care.


Discover our network of professional physicians.


Access support to live your healthiest life.

NurseHelp 24/7

Ask a registered nurse your questions.

Care programs

Get peace of mind in managing your health.

Member discounts

Be proactive with your health using our discounts.

Check in on you before the holidays

Preventive care services can help you stay healthy for the one you love – and it’s $0 extra on most plans.