Quality Improvement Program

At Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan, we are guided by our mission and values, which encourage innovation and enable us to be a catalyst for constructive and transformational change. Blue Shield Promise’s Quality Improvement Program (QIP) is committed to promoting continuous and coordinated care in a patient-centered environment that recognizes the positive relationship between health education, a culture of wellness, an emphasis on prevention, and affordable healthcare.

Blue Shield Promise holds National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Health Plan Accreditation for its Medicare and Medicaid product lines.

The goal of the program is to ensure that we meet our promise of providing high quality care and service to our members. The program objectively and systematically monitors and evaluates the quality, appropriateness, and care and service outcome delivered to our members. The program provides mechanisms that pursue opportunities for improvement and problem resolution, and it measures many different parts of the care and services we offer. A formal evaluation of the Quality Improvement Program is performed annually. You can request the evaluation results by calling our Provider Services:

Phone: (800) 468-9935, 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.


QIP focus areas

Specific key elements of focus for the Quality Improvement Department may include but are not limited to:

  • Provider accessibility and availability
  • Provider satisfaction
  • Provider credentialing
  • Clinical practice guidelines
  • Under- and over-utilization
  • Adverse outcomes/sentinel events
  • Medical record-keeping practices
  • Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) measurements
  • Facility site reviews
  • Member satisfaction and grievances
  • Timeliness of handling claims
  • High-risk and high-volume services

The performance of the program is measured via the following:

  • Studies to ensure that appointments are available
  • Studies to ensure that after-hours services are available
  • Studies to measure how long patients wait in the office for an appointment
  • Facility site reviews, including access for members with disabilities
  • Member satisfaction surveys
  • Provider satisfaction surveys
  • Analyses of clinical metrics and outcomes
    • Child and adolescent care
    • Cancer screenings
    • Management of chronic conditions
    • Prenatal and postpartum care

See more information on related policies and guidelines:
Access to care standards (PDF, 54 KB)
Facility site review guidelines (PDF, 10.4 MB)
Physical accessibility review guidelines (PDF, 2.4 MB)
Health assessment guidelines
Medi-Cal Quality Improvement and Health Education Program
(PDF, 75 KB)


HEDIS tip sheets

BCS-Breast Cancer Screening (PDF, 69 KB)
CBP-Controlling High Blood Pressure (PDF, 74 KB)
CCS-Cervical Cancer Screening (PDF, 70 KB)
CDC-Diabetes Care (PDF, 87 KB)
CIS-Childhood Immunizations (PDF, 71 KB)
CHL-Chlamydia Screening (PDF, 68 KB)
COL-Colorectal Cancer Screening (PDF, 69 KB)
FUA-Follow-up after Emergency Department Visit for Substance Use (PDF, 83 KB)
FUM-Follow-up after Emergency Department Visit for Mental Illness (PDF, 82 KB)
IMA-Immunizations for Adolescents (PDF, 95 KB)
LSC-Lead Screening in Children (PDF, 67 KB)
PPC-Postpartum Care (PDF, 103 KB)
PPC-Timeliness of Prenatal Care (PDF, 105 KB)
W30-Well Child Visits in the First 30 Months of Life (PDF, 78 KB)
WCC-Weight Assessment and Counseling (PDF, 107 KB)
WCV-Well Child Visits 3 to 21 Years (PDF, 70 KB)

HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee of Quality Assurance (NCQA)


Programs and services

To achieve the Quality Improvement Program goals, Blue Shield Promise has developed multiple programs to assist its members in managing their health conditions and maintaining active and healthy lifestyles. These programs utilize clinical practice guidelines and include:

  • Population health management programs
  • Healthy Start Comprehensive Prenatal and Postpartum Program 
  • Asthma Program 
  • Congestive Heart Failure Program 
  • Coronary Heart Disease Program 


Quality Improvement Program annual evaluation results

View 2020 Quality Improvement Program evaluation results for Medi-Cal LA (PDF, 15 KB)
View 2020 Quality Improvement Program evaluation results for Medi-Cal SD (PDF, 42 KB)
View 2020 Quality Improvement Program evaluation results for Cal MediConnect (PDF, 18 KB)
View 2020 Quality Improvement Program evaluation results for Medicare Advantage (PDF, 18 KB)

Medical care solutions

Review medical care solutions for Blue Shield Promise plans.

Utilization management and clinical practice guidelines

Utilization management (UM) and clinical practice guidelines define healthcare standards applicable to members and providers.

Population Health Management

Our Disease Management Program provides education, care coordination, and support for members with certain chronic conditions.

Cultural Awareness and Linguistics Program

Blue Shield Promise ensures that all our members have access to translation services that help them access programs and care in their language of choice.

Access to care standards

Learn the guidelines Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan uses to ensure our members have proper access to care.

Physician’s facility site review policy and procedures

See policies for site accessibility, fire safety and prevention, non-medical emergency procedures, medical equipment maintenance, and staff qualification requirements.

Provider Connection

Access network provider tools on Provider Connection website.

Health Care Options: 1-844-580-7272, thứ Hai đến thứ Sáu, từ 8 giờ sáng - 6 giờ chiều. Người dùng TTY nên gọi số 1-800-430-7077.

Để biết thông tin về Blue Shield Promise Cal MediConnect Plan và các tùy chọn Cal MediConnect khác dành cho dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe của bạn, hãy gọi cho Sở Dịch vụ Chăm sóc Sức khỏe theo số 1-800-430-4263 (TTY: 1-800-735-2922), hoặc truy cập https://www.healthcareoptions.dhcs.ca.gov/.

Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan là một tổ chức chăm sóc được quản lý, thuộc sở hữu hoàn toàn của Blue Shield of California, cung cấp các Chương trình Medi-Cal và Cal MediConnect.

© 2002-2023. Dịch vụ Bác sĩ California, tên thương mại là Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan. Đã đăng ký Bản quyền.

Dịch vụ Bác sĩ California, tên thương mại là Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan, là đơn vị được cấp phép độc lập của Blue Shield Association.

Mạng lưới nhà cung cấp có thể thay đổi bất cứ lúc nào. Quý vị sẽ nhận được thông báo khi cần..

Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan tuân thủ luật hiện hành của tiểu bang và luật dân quyền liên bang, đồng thời không phân biệt đối xử dựa trên chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, tổ tiên, tôn giáo, giới tính, tình trạng hôn nhân, giới tính, bản dạng giới, khuynh hướng tình dục, tuổi tác, hoặc khuyết tật.

Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan cumple con las leyes estatales y las leyes federales de derechos civiles vigentes, y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, país de origen, ascedencial, religión, sexo, estado civil, genero, identidad de genero, orientación sexual, edad ni discapacidad.

Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan 遵循適用的州法律和聯邦公民權利法律,並且不以種族、膚色、原國籍、血統、宗教、性別、婚姻 狀況、性別認同、性取向、年齡或殘障為由而進行歧視。


Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plan, 3840 Kilroy Airport Way, Long Beach, CA  90806

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